Sunday, July 25, 2010


I'm feeling pretty refreshed right now and I haven't felt like that in quite a while. I didn't even have a long weekend!?!?
We started Saturday off with some Starbucks and Bruegger's Bagels and then I took Paul inside the Fresh Market for his first time. We LOVE their almond pillow cookies so we picked up a few. Then we played in the pool and ate lunch by the lake with Ashley, Daniel and Leighton. Here are a few pictures from the day.

After playing in the sun, Paul and I ran a few errands and then spent the remainder of the afternoon reading. I must say, I don't really consider myself much of a reader. I just don't make the time for it, but Paul finished a book that his brother gave him and he just kept talking about it at dinner on Monday night so I decided I would read it too. I read about half of it during the week and finished it up on Saturday. It was a very enlightening and encouraging book. A Million Miles in a Thousand Years is the name of the book and the author is Donald Miller. You may have already read it or read one of his other books, Blue Like Jazz. In the book, Don tells of how his life was meaningless and he compares 'life' to a 'story' and no one ever likes a meaningless story. I don't really want to tell you anything else about the book just in case you haven't read it, but it reminded me that I devote my time and energy to so many things that are just not meaningful, but I think they will make my life better. I want to make a beautiful and meaningful 'story'. This book was a great reminder of that for me. Below is a quote from the book.

I've lived some good stories now, and those stories have improved the quality of my life. But I've also let go of the idea things will ever be made perfect, at least while I'm walking around on this planet. I've let go of the idea that this life has a climax...
When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are. And when you stop expecting material possessions to complete you, you'd be surprised at how much pleasure you get in material possessions. And when you stop expecting God to end all your troubles, you'd be surprised how much you like spending time with God. - Don

Check it out and let me know what you think. I hope your weekend was a relaxing and enjoyable one. Ahhh, I feel refreshed and ready for the week!

Okay, and now for my guilty pleasure.... Mad Men

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