Wednesday, January 31, 2018

a time to reflect

Happy New Year - a little late! The older I get, the more I appreciate the month of January - minus all the yucky sicknesses though. It tends to be slower-paced which means more time with family, friends and more time to think. 

I like give myself the whole month of January to reflect on the past year and make goals for the upcoming year. I came across a post by a gentleman by the name of Mark A. Smith on LinkedIn. He talked about things that he has learned throughout his life and  living with a difficult disease. I thought his learnings were spot on and were things I want to remind myself often. I hope you find them to be valuable reminders in 2018 as well! 

Mark A. Smith: Here is some of what I've learned -- I'll hope you find some value:
- We have the capacity to find joy in all things. A negative attitude is worse than a tumor. The best of life can come from the worst of life.
- Everyone has a difficult trial. Everyone. Be compassionate.
- When your looks get taken away, you better have a solid character or you're screwed.
- Priorities are revealed when abilities are stripped. Put them in order before life forces it upon you.
- No one learns in the middle of a crisis. Survive. Breathe. Reflect.
- Life is too short to take offense. Assume the best and move on.
- One day our children will struggle. We must endure our own trials so that, when needed, we can look in their eyes with perfect credibility and say, "I've been through the same struggle. I know your pain. You can do this."

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