Sunday, October 2, 2011

our little pumpkin

We took our little pumpkin to her first pumpkin patch over the weekend! The weather was awesome too. I was thrilled to throw on my boots and scarf. Speaking of our little pumpkin, things have not been too easy around here lately, hence the non-blogging. Georgia has been very colicky and we think we have figured out why-FINALLY. After switching pediatricians we found out she has a dairy allergy. She doesn't seem to like formula so I'm going dairy free. This is going to be a challenge, but I'm willing to do anything at this point. Hopefully I'll be back in the swing of blogging regularly soon. Hope you enjoyed the fall weather!


  1. I am so glad that your sweet girl will be feeling better soon! I was so proud of Nichole when she gave up dairy completely when C was diagnosed with a dairy allergy... especially because she was so dedicated even though it was during all the "good food" holidays. I bet she could share some great dairy free recipes with you!

    I hope I get to hold that baby soon ;)

  2. My sister in law went dairy free when our oldest niece was diagnosed with a milk allergy at 8 weeks. It was hard at first, but then became second nature because there are so many dairy free options. Our neice actually outgrew the allergy last year when she turned 5.

  3. She is so precious. Glad she will get to feeling better soon and Good luck to you, Mama!

  4. She is such a cute little punk'in! I miss you guys, and hope Georgia is feeling better soon! Love you.
